Sunday, November 9, 2008

More news! Obama elected!!

Work is progressing well on the 'Nuns With Guns' First Draft Script. More news on that when we finish it. I've also been scouting locations for a Tropfest entry this year, a bit of a last-minute decision but the script was hanging around and really it's not that complicated a project, once I track down the ute, a herd of cows and a large bull! Planning to shoot at the end of the month, gotta be ready for the beginning of Jan.

Finally, I have at last sorted a trailer for the Rock Chikz episode. It's taking forever for the editor to get round to editing it so in the meantime I put this together over a couple of evenings last week. The cast and crew like it A LOT!

Rock Chikz Episode 3 Teaser from LostSheep Productions on Vimeo.

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