Thursday, September 25, 2008

Rock Chikz Filming Aftermath

Well well well! What a week. 6 days, 14 hours a day, an average of 20 people on set each day, many many locations, a ridiculous 4-6 scenes a day turnaround, 690 takes, 90.5Gb of footage and it's done. At least the production bit.

I used the PMW EX1 shot it at 720P 25 - all went well, and only a few moments where I thought I'd lost half a day's footage. But they turned out to just be white-hair-forming moments without any real need for immediate international departure. The Sony software/firmware is still a bit flaky though hopefully the firmware upgrade I've scheduled for next week will go some way to solving the issues.

It was also a chance to see how I coped with the experience of full-on production and try to imagine this for 6 weeks next year doing NWG. Well first off, the intensity of this production was ridiculous and could not have been continued beyond 6 days. Based on the scene turnover we just did, it would have meant a 90 film could have been filmed in 18 days! I agree with the wise words of Rolf De Heer - 'Shoot twice as long with half the crew'.

The footage looks great. The camera is tops. There's probably a few over-exposed moments but that doesn't surprise me at all. This was simply too intense. We didn't even manage to set up the monitor once all week! (Admitedly we could have but it was a crappy SD monitor and I can frame perfectly well in the viewfinder of this fine camera). Sometimes you just have to get the thing in the can and move on - not a preferred option but time and money were on my back all week long.

Overall, would I do this again?? HELL YEAH!!

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